Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Transcendentalism 1.1

Do Now: how was writing the summer reading letter?  What is a strength?  What is a weakness? (socrative)  Hand in letter to front table

  • get to know peers in class
  • practice inference
  • identify personal beliefs

1. Do now
2. With a partner, try to make sense of each six word memoir.
  1. Moving again.  Goodbye strangers.  Hello strangers.
  2. Leap!  Catch football.  Crunch.  Goodbye scholarship.
  3. Mistaken verdict.  Life sentence.  I'm appealing.
  4. Little brother.  Big game.  Last laugh. (Eli Manning)
  5. Actually, I never had a mother.
  6. Bleached blonde.  Everyone knew.  Never cared.
  7. Waited a lifetime for that moment.  (Boo Radley)
  8. Small hand in mine.  Hello suburbs!

3. Write your own six-word memoir, summing up your life so far.
4. Introduce the “This I Believe” assignment
5. Listen/read samples
6. Brainstorm ideas
7. Summarizer

HW: Read Ben Franklin Handout (In Google Drive Handouts- in "First Days" folder. Called "Ben Franklin's List of Good Qualities"

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