Thursday, September 3, 2015

Day Two

Do now: Take out Hughes' "Let America Be America Again." Spend 5 minutes reviewing and adding annotations


  • identify meaning in a piece of poetry
  • brainstorm the options and obstacles surrounding the American Dream

1. do now
2. In table groups: (answer on the poem packet)

  • 1. How is the dream described in this poem?  What is its effect on the reader?
  • 2. What is Hughes’ tone, and how do you know?
  • 3. Why are some people exempt from accessing the dream?
  • 4. What does Hughes want America to be?
  • 5. What is Hughes saying about the American Dream?
  • 6. Do you agree or disagree with Hughes’ interpretation of the American Dream?
3. Race for the American Dream activity- outside
4. If time, brainstorm Summer Reading Letter
5. Summarizer: How do the poems and the activity connect?

HW: Summer Reading Letter due (PRINTED) TUESDAY

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