Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Transcendentalism 3.1 GREEN WEDNESDAY

Transcendentalism 3.1 GREEN WEDNESDAY
Do now: Download and read over the DPS discussion prompts

  • effectively participate in a socratic seminar
  • respect differing opinions

  1. do now
  2. DPS socratic seminar
  3. summarizer

HW: Transcendentalism assignment (download from handouts-transcendentalism- transcendentalism and pop culture- copy of transcendentalism and pop culture assignment)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Dead Poets Society- GREEN

Prepare talking points for the Socratic seminar found HERE

Transcendentalism 3.1 TUESDAY

Transcendentalism 3.1 TUESDAY

Do now: Turn to a partner and share your media findings.

  • examine examples of transcendental thought in popular culture. In particular, comic strips and songs.
  • analyze Emerson and Thoreau’s influence on popular culture

  1. Do now
  2. Activity: In the same groups as the comic strip exercise, read the lyrics while we listen to the selected songs
  3. Complete one transcendentalist chart for the songs
  4. In your groups, discuss the following questions:
  • Which category has the most songs?
  • What did you expect to see on the charts? Do they match your expectations?
  • What surprises do you see about the lists?
  • Are there kinds of songs that aren't well-represented?
  • What would happen if songs were divided further, into sub-genres (e.g., heavy metal, alternative rock)?
  • Are there artists whom you think of as following transcendental ideas? Do their songs represent those ideas?
  • How do the songs that are listed represent your individualism?
  1. Share findings as class
  2. DPS
  3. Summarizer

HW: Transcendentalism assignment (download from handouts-transcendentalism- transcendentalism and pop culture- copy of transcendentalism and pop culture assignment)

Monday, September 28, 2015

Transcendentalism 3.1 PURPLE MONDAY

Transcendentalism 3.1 PURPLE MONDAY

Do Now: Have you ever read comics?  Comic books? Graphic novels?  If so, which ones?  If not, what is your opinion of them?

  • examine examples of transcendental thought in popular culture. In particular, comic strips and songs.
  • analyze Emerson and Thoreau’s influence on popular culture

  1. do now
  2. Divide into 6 groups.  Each group will get a Calvin and Hobbes book.
  3. Read the strips.  Examine the text and the drawings with the goal of identifying the literary elements of transcendentalism
  4. If needed, review your text annotations and/or thought charts
  5. Identify two comics that that have strong literary connections to the ideas of Emerson and Thoreau. (Bring them to me and I will xerox the strips)
  6. Glue/tape the strips to a blank piece of paper.  Write one “golden quote” from Emerson or Thoreau that mirrors the strip.  Write one sentence explaining the connection.
  7. Summarizer

HW: Try to find examples of Transcendentalism in any media (e.g., sitcoms, television dramas, commercials).

Friday, September 25, 2015

GREEN FRIDAY/ PURPLE MONDAY/Transcendentalism 3.4

GREEN FRIDAY/ PURPLE MONDAY/Transcendentalism 3.4
Do Now: Have you ever read comics?  Comic books? Graphic novels?  If so, which ones?  If not, what is your opinion of them?

  • examine examples of transcendental thought in popular culture. In particular, comic strips and songs.
  • analyze Emerson and Thoreau’s influence on popular culture

  1. do now
  2. Divide into 5 groups.  Each group will get a Calvin and Hobbes book.
  3. Read the strips.  Examine the text and the drawings with the goal of identifying the literary elements of transcendentalism
  4. If needed, review your text annotations and/or thought charts
  5. Identify two comics that that have strong literary connections to the ideas of Emerson and Thoreau. (Bring them to me and I will xerox the strips)
  6. Glue/tape the strips to a blank piece of paper.  Write one “golden quote” from Emerson or Thoreau that mirrors the strip.  Write one sentence explaining the connection.
  7. Summarizer

HW: Try to find examples of Transcendentalism in any media (e.g., sitcoms, television dramas, commercials).

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Do now: What is your favorite kind of music?

  • to experience the transcendental beliefs in nature

  1. Do now
  2. Song!
  3. Omelas reading quiz (15 minutes)
  4. Omelas voting
  5. Discuss: voting results
  6. DPS

HW: finish filling in the thought chart

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Copy of Walden excerpts rotated

Access the rotated view of the Walden excerpts HERE

PURPLE TUESDAY/ Transcendentalism 3.2

PURPLE TUESDAY/ Transcendentalism 3.2

DO NOW: Share your TIB draft with your peer editing partner

  • effectively peer edit a peer’s paper
  • identify areas of strength and areas for revision
  • utilize suggestions to revise essay
  • actively watch Dead Poets Society for transcendentalist beliefs

  1. do now
  2. Read peer’s essay
  3. Complete the TIB peer edit checklist for peer’s essay
  4. exchange/ discuss essays
  5. begin to revise essay
  6. Begin to watch DPS

HW: Read and annotate Walden chapters: “Higher Laws,” “Conclusion,” and “Civil Disobedience” for THURSDAY.


Do now: List all the "electronics" you have used since waking up this morning (this includes things that are plugged in, or things that use electricity in your house i.e., the overhead lights!)

  • identify elements of transcendentalism such as the connection between people and nature, an individual's ability to think freely, and the importance of spiritual self-reliance to the individual found in the works of Emerson and Thoreau.

1. Do now
2. In Groups: Fill out the Thought Chart
3. Class discussion: key points of Walden
4. DPS
5. Summarizer

HW: Read/annotate “Walking Away from Omelas”

Monday, September 21, 2015

Homework/Due dates

Access homework/due dates HERE

PURPLE MONDAY/ Transcendentalism 3.1

PURPLE MONDAY/ Transcendentalism 3.1

Do know: Whose writing style do you prefer-- Emerson or Thoreau? Explain.

identify elements of transcendentalism such as the connection between people and nature, an individual's ability to think freely, and the importance of spiritual self-reliance to the individual found in the works of Emerson and Thoreau.

1. Do now
2. Song! Instructions
3. Groups: Identify one tone word for “O Captain”
4. Groups: Draft one thesis statement (how= nautical conceit, why= use tone word, so what= larger message)
5. Activity: Identify key quotations from the excerpt that reveal Thoreau’s thinking about the relationship between humans and nature. Explain the relationship between the quotation chosen and the basic characteristics of transcendentalism.
4. DPS
5. Summarizer

HW: TIB draft due TUESDAY. Read and annotate Walden chapters: “Higher Laws,” “Conclusion,” and “Civil Disobedience” for THURSDAY.

Friday, September 18, 2015

PURPLE FRIDAY Transcendentalism 2.2

Do now: Identify one quote from “Self-Reliance” that confused you.

  • identify elements of transcendentalism such as the connection between people and nature, an individual's ability to think freely, and the importance of spiritual self-reliance to the individual found in Emerson

  1. do now
  2. In groups: finish “Self-Reliance” Questions
  3. In groups: work on thought chart
  4. Import “Walt Whitman poetry” and “DPS intro” handout into notability
  5. Individual: read/analyze first two Whitman poems
  6. Import “Copy of Walden etext” into notability

HW: Draft of “This I Believe” due TUESDAY. Read and annotate Walden Chapters: “Economy,” “Where I live,” and “Solitude” for MONDAY.

PURPLE FRIDAY/ Transcendentalism 2.4

PURPLE FRIDAY/ Transcendentalism 2.4
Do know: Whose writing style do you prefer-- Emerson or Thoreau?  Why/why not

identify elements of transcendentalism such as the connection between people and nature, an individual's ability to think freely, and the importance of spiritual self-reliance to the individual found in the works of Emerson and Thoreau.

1. Do now
2. Song! Instructions
3. Activity: Identify key quotations from the excerpt that reveal Thoreau’'s thinking about the relationship between humans and nature. Explain the relationship between the quotation chosen and the basic characteristics of transcendentalism.
4. DPS
5. Summarizer

HW: Read and annotate Walden chapters: “Higher Laws,” “Conclusion,” and “Civil Disobedience”

Thursday, September 17, 2015


PURPLE THURSDAY Transcendentalism 2.1

Do now: Identify 5 difficult words from "self-reliance" and define them

  • identify elements of transcendentalism such as the connection between people and nature, an individual's ability to think freely, and the importance of spiritual self-reliance to the individual found in Emerson

1. Do now
2. “Self-Reliance” discussion questions (as much as possible)
3. Import “Transcendental Thought Chart” into notability
4. As a group-- begin to fill in the chart using “nature” and “self-reliance”
5. Summarizer

HW: Finish reading “Self-Reliance”

GREEN THURSDAY/ Transcendentalism 2.3

Green THURSDAY/ Transcendentalism 2.3
DO NOW: Share your TIB draft with your peer editing partner

  • effectively peer edit a peer’s paper
  • identify areas of strength and areas for revision
  • utilize suggestions to revise essay
  • actively watch Dead Poets Society for transcendentalist beliefs

  1. do now
  2. Read peer’s essay
  3. Complete the TIB peer edit checklist for peer’s essay
  4. exchange/ discuss essays
  5. begin to revise essay
  6. Begin to watch DPS

HW: Read and annotate Walden Chapters: “Economy,” “Where I live,” and “Solitude” for FRIDAY.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Transcendentalism 1.4

Do Now: How are you affected by nature? Do you find comfort in it? Do you reflect the moods of nature? How do you demonstrate that you are an individual? Do you think independently of others or do you follow the crowd?

  • identify elements of transcendentalism such as the connection between people and nature and individualism, found in the works of Emerson
1. Do now
2. Finish Emerson quote sheet
3. In desk teams, answer the “Nature” discussion questions
4. In desk teams, identify one “key quote” from excerpt and write on board/poster paper
5. Whole class: discussion
6. Hand activity:
  • on a blank piece of paper, trace the outline of your hand
  • draw on any defining features (freckles, scars, jewelry, etc.)
  • around the hand outline, write any descriptors that define you in society (son/ daughter, tall/short, loud/quiet, etc.)
  • inside the hand outline, write any descriptors that you feel define you (that general society does not necessarily know)
  • When finished, hang out hands around the room
7. Summarizer

HW: Read/annotate "Self-Reliance" (first 7 pages)

Thursday, September 10, 2015


GREEN: due Thursday, Sept. 17th

PURPLE: due Tuesday, Sept. 22


Transcendentalism 1.3

Do now: Do you trust yourself? Why or why not?

  • analyzing the depictions of “America” in art
  • begin to unpack Emerson’s meaning

1. Do now
3. Intro to Transcendentalism
  • In desk teams, read your assigned quote, discuss what you think it means, and write your analysis on the paper.
  • Pass your handout to the next group, who will read your quote and analyze it.  Continue passing the handouts until you have written on each quote and the handouts are with their original groups.
  • In expert groups, discuss the various responses to your original quote.  One group member will report out to the class.
5. Summarizer

HW: Read and Annotate “Nature”