Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Scarlet Letter 5.3

Do now: arrange the desks into rows facing the front of the room


  • demonstrate mastery of understanding of the plot, characters, and themes of The Scarlet Letter
  • Annotate an excerpt for diction, tone, imagery, symbolism, and other figurative language
  • Draft a paragraph connecting Hawthorne's method (in excerpt) to meaning

1. do now
2. Exam
3. Summarizer


FRIDAY: email and state which critical lens you will do for the essay MONDAY: draft a thesis statement and gather your textual evidence for the essay

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Scarlet Letter 5.2

Do now: Which excerpt did you select?  What was your motivation for picking it?


  • annotate an excerpt from the text for figurative language
  • draft an assertion statement that connects Hawthorne's meaning to the methods found in the excerpt
  • identify the requirements of The Scarlet Letter essay assignment

1. do now
2. Independent work time: annotating
3. Turn and share findings with a partner (10 minutes)
4. Independent work time: drafting assertion statements
5. Download and read the "TSL Lens essay" handout
6. Summarizer

HW: study for the exam on THURSDAY

Monday, October 26, 2015

Scarlet Letter 5.1

do now: Discuss your annotation selection with a partner

  • understand exam format and expectations
  • use critical thinking to select an effective excerpt

  1. do now
  2. Review exam handout/expectations
  3. Locate and photocopy excerpt
  4. Annotate excerpt
  5. Exam prep!
  6. "Design Your Own Letter" extra credit
  7. Summarizer

HW: Study for exam on THURSDAY

Friday, October 23, 2015

TSL 4.4

TSL 4.4
Do now: What happened to Dimmesdale, Hester, Chillingworth, and Pearl?

  • analyze TSL and make connections to Transcendentalism
  • participate effectively in a socratic seminar

  1. do now
  2. Prep: socratic seminar
  3. Socratic Seminar
  4. summarizer

HW: Which lens do you think you want to focus on for the final paper? Download and read the “TSL Exam Overview and Annotation” handout for MONDAY.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

TSL 4.3

TSL 4.3
Do now: Which character do you like the best?  Why?

  • analyze Hawthorne’s use of characterization
  • analyze hope as a human emotion

  1. do now
  2. Vocab Quiz
  3. Chapter 20: Unlike at any other point in the novel, Dimmesdale begins chapter 20 feeling hopeful.  As a result, his character actually changes here from what it has heretofore seemed to be.  Perhaps Hawthorne intended, therefore, for this chapter to demonstrate something that he believed about hope as a human emotion or thought, as well as the effect of its presence on people’s action.  Where and how in this chapter do you see the impactful effect of hope on Dimmesdale’s dynamic characterization?  
  4. In groups: draft an assertion statement about your findings from above
  5. Summarizer

HW: Reading assignment #7 (end of the novel!)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

TSL 4.2

TSL 4.2
Do now: which of the three critical lens seems most interesting to use for The Scarlet Letter?


  • analyze text using one of the three critical lens

  1. do now
  2. Lens activity- in pairs or table groups, analyze the novel thus far from the perspective of ONE critical lens.  What would a critic of that lens say about the characters, actions, figurative language thus far?
  3. Socratic seminar- share lens findings
  4. summarizer

HW: Reading assignment #7 due FRIDAY.  Vocab quiz THURSDAY

Monday, October 19, 2015

TSL 4.1

The Scarlet Letter 4.1

Do now: What are some of the ways light and darkness can be used symbolically?

  • actively read an excerpt of text
  • analyze the author’s use of light/dark imagery

  1. Do now
  2. In THREE groups: What is the distinction Hawthorne makes between city and forest, between civilization and wilderness? Chapter 16 illuminates the juxtaposition between Boston and the forest-- how do you believe Hawthorne both views and utilizes these two different locales? What do they seemingly represent in the world of The Scarlet Letter?
  3. Chapter 18 focuses on Hawthorne’s symbolic use of light, shading, and darkness.  In what ways, and to what effects, does Hawthorne make figurative use of light, or its absence, and is this interpretation valid in other parts of the novel?  Discuss annotations.
  4. Begin reading assignment #6

HW: Reading assignment #6.  Vocab quiz THURSDAY

Friday, October 16, 2015

The Scarlet Letter 2.4 FRIDAY

The Scarlet Letter 2.4 FRIDAY
Do now: What is your feeling about multiple choice, close reading excerpt quizzes?

  • actively read an excerpt of text
  • effectively answer close reading based textual questions
  • work effectively as a group to arrive at answers

  1. Do now
  2. Multiple Choice quiz: individual
  3. Multiple Choice quiz: Group.  As a group, review answers and decide on one “master set” of answers
  4. If time, begin reading assignment #5

HW: reading assignment #5 PLUS annotate Chapter 18 for Light and Dark Imagery

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Scarlet Letter 3.3 THURSDAY

The Scarlet Letter 3.3 THURSDAY
Do now: What experience do you have with annotating (in English class)? When have you done so, and what were the expectations?

  • understand the expectations of 11 Honors annotations
  • close read chapter 9 for symbolism

  1. do now
  2. Annotations: review expectations, look at models
  3. In groups: From characters’ names to actions to facial expressions, chapter 9 is seemly full of symbolic details. Where and how do you ascertain metaphor and other symbolic effects in the particulars of this chapter? Annotate the chapter together.
  4. Class: group findings
  5. Start reading assignment 4
  6. summarizer

HW: Reading assignment 4

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Scarlet Letter 4.2 TUESDAY

The Scarlet Letter 4.2 TUESDAY

Do Now: Flashback to 9th grade-- what are the three types of irony?

  • identify the three types of irony in chapter 6

  1. Do now
  2. In pairs: Chapter 4 makes clear the relationship between Hester Prynne and the man identified as Roger Chillingworth, as well as their motivations, apparent philosophies of justice, and individual desires. Based upon the characters’ actions and interaction in chapter 4, analyze all of these particular aspects of both persons.
  3. Irony: Hawthorne uses irony to describe Pearl in chapter 6. Where and how do these forms of irony exist in chapter 6, and why in your estimation has Hawthorne chosen to include them here?
  4. Class: discuss findings
  5. If time, read assignment #3
  6. Summarizer

HW: Reading assignment #3

Friday, October 9, 2015

Emerson and Thoreau annotations

In order to receive credit for the Emerson and Thoreau annotation assignment (worth a quiz grade!), the annotations MUST be in your student folder on Google Drive.

The Scarlet Letter 2.4

Do now: finish the Cat in the Hat activity (5-10 minutes). Share findings.

  • use close reading to analyze the relationship between Hester and Chillingworth

  1. Do now
  2. TSL Vocab #1
  3. Socrative: What are the names of characters thus far? What predictions could we make based on the names?
  4. In pairs: Download and complete the "Hester and Roger" handout. 
    Chapter 4 makes clear the relationship between Hester Prynne and the man identified as Roger Chillingworth, as well as their motivations, apparent philosophies of justice, and individual desires. Based upon the characters’ actions and interaction in chapter 4, analyze all of these particular aspects of both persons.
  5. Class: review findings
  6. If time, begin reading #2
  7. Summarizer

HW: reading assignment #2

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Scarlet Letter Reading schedule

The Scarlet Letter Reading schedule

Assignment 1: Chapters 3-5 (Pg. 41-60)
Assignment 2: Chapters 6-8 (pg. 61-80)
Assignment 3: Chapters 9-11 (pg. 81-100)
Assignment 4: Chapters 12-14 (pg. 101-120)
Assignment 5: Chapters 15-18 (pg. 120-141)
Assignment 6: Chapters 19-21 (pg. 141-161)

Assignment 7: Chapters 22-24 (pg. 161-180)

The Scarlet Letter 2.3

The Scarlet Letter 2.3
Do now: In table groups: share annotations for chapter 1.  As a group, decide on a tone word.  Using highlighters, highlight all words that contribute to that tone.

  • use technology to research historical context
  • use close reading skills to identify tone in the opening chapter

  1. Do now
  2. In table groups: draft a thesis statement.  Examine how a literary device contributes to the tone of the opening chapter (in socrative).
  3. Hand in annotations for chapters 1 and 2
  4. Download the “Literary Theory- Scarlet Letter” handout
  5. Individual: read the Literary Theory handout
  6. In groups: Complete the Freudian theory activity for The Cat in the Hat
  7. summarizer

HW: Assignment #1

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Scarlet Letter 2.2 PURPLE WEDNESDAY

The Scarlet Letter 2.2

Do now: (In socrative) what is juxtaposition?  What is tone?  What is sensory imagery?

  • use technology to research historical context
  • use close reading skills to identify tone in the opening chapter

  1. Do now
  2. In groups of 3: research both sides of the graphic organizer
  3. Independently begin to annotate chapter 1 (focus on tone)
  4. Read and annotate chapter 2
  5. summarizer
HW: chapter 1 and 2: read and annotate

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The scarlet letter 2.1 GREEN

Scarlet Letter 2.1
Do now: Do you remember YGB from 9th grade?  Has your reading of it changed?

  • analyze Hawthorne’s use of symbols to present meaning

  1. do now
  2. in groups of 3: complete the symbol activity for YGB
  3. Class: discuss findings
  4. in groups: draft thesis statements
  5. Review annotation expectations
  6. summarizer

HW: Finish thesis statements

Scarlet Letter 2.1- PURPLE

Scarlet Letter 2.1
Do now: Do you remember YGB from 9th grade?  Has your reading of it changed?

  • analyze Hawthorne’s use of symbols to present meaning

  1. do now
  2. in groups of 3: complete the symbol activity for YGB
  3. Class: discuss findings
  4. in groups: draft thesis statements
  5. In groups of 3: research both sides of the graphic organizer
  6. Review annotation expectations
  7. summarizer

HW: Read and annotate chapters 1 and 2

Friday, October 2, 2015

Scarlet Letter 1.4

Scarlet Letter 1.4

Do now:  What do you know about the Puritans?  List characteristics/facts

  • understand the foundation of the Puritan belief system

  1. Do now
  2. Finish Dead Poets Society
  3. In Socrative: DPS reflection prompts
  4. Begin reading/re-reading "Young Goodman Brown" (you do NOT need to annotate)
  5. Watch: American Passages: “Utopian Promise”
  6. summarizer

HW: Finish reading “Young Goodman Brown” and work on Transcendentalism assignment (Green: due WEDNESDAY; Purple due MONDAY). Watch "Utopian Promise" (link above)